Customers & Partners

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Scipat provides its services to a wide variety of clients. Ranging from Fortune 500 companies, research organizations, information providers to patent offices from around the world.

One of the patent offices that Scipat supports is the European Patent Office. Scipat provides fast human translations to the EPO to support the Office in its tasks around patent applications and granting.

One of the information providers that Scipat supports is the
Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ) – Leibniz-Institut
für Informationsinfrastruktur GmbH. FIZ Karlsruhe offers
Scipat translation services through their AutoDoc help desk


Through various partners Scipat provides direct access from information products. Please contact us to check whether your information or article provider is connected to our portal as the number of partners is growing daily. We currently serve information and article providers in the Netherlands, Germany, France, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Korea and China.